Work-related fatal injuries in Great Britain
Did you know? 123 workers were killed in work-related accidents in 2021/22 (RIDDOR)

The latest publication from the Health & Safety Executive – Work-related fatal injuries in Great Britain Matthew – Owner of Consensus HR comments “Since starting work, it has never ceased to amaze me how Health & Safety figures continually show the same failures with may preventable incidents occurring. All members of your team and the public must be protected with the correct Policies & Procedure in place and EVERYBODY playing their part in the health and safety of themselves, the team and members of the public. I find that when it comes to H&S, we tend to believe it will never happen to us, so why do the training and take precautions? It is this believe in some people that does result in fatal accidents happening such as working at heights and not receiving the correct development, taking the correct precautions, using the right equipment and taking short cuts which ultimately leads to fatal incidents or deaths.” following the pandemic shows that 123 workers were killed in work related incidents in 2021 /22 (RIDDOR).
The statistics show that the majority of these were within Construction where 30 employees received fatal injuries with 93 of the total being between the ages of 16-59 and 29 aged 60+.
29 of these fatal injuries were caused due to a fall from height and highlights the importance of Health & Safety development and the relevant development such as working at Heights if applicable to your industry such as construction. 15 were due to moving machinery and reminds me of the recent incident that happened and which the HSE reported on and which we sent out a blog recently which resulted in a £400k fine for Bernard Matthews.
For further statistics, have a look at the latest HSE report by clicking here.

Matthew – Owner of Consensus HR comments “Since starting work, it has never ceased to amaze me how Health & Safety figures continually show the same failures with may preventable incidents occurring. All members of your team and the public must be protected with the correct Policies & Procedure in place and EVERYBODY playing their part in the health and safety of themselves, the team and members of the public. I find that when it comes to H&S, we tend to believe it will never happen to us, so why do the training and take precautions? It is this believe in some people that does result in fatal accidents happening such as working at heights and not receiving the correct development, taking the correct precautions, using the right equipment and taking short cuts which ultimately leads to fatal incidents or deaths.”