Work from home for 20pc less pay!

Work from home for 20pc less pay, says top law firm Stephenson Harwood City law firm said the policy will apply to its London headquarters and most of its international offices
An recent article in The Daily Telegraph discusses a Law Firm in London who will allow its people to work from home for 20% less pay!!
As written in one of our last blogs dated the 4th April 2022, choices in relation to employees returning to the office and their place of work prior to the Pandemic are continuing to change with many businesses now offering alternatives.
In this recent case a top Law Firm is allowing its team to work from home full-time as long as they take a 20% pay cut! This is aimed at its London based and international employees and states staff must work in the office for at least 60 per cent of the year, which works out to around three days a week, or face a salary reduction.
This is a prime example of how the Pandemic is changing the way people work and where and is vital that companies ensure it is managed correctly with the flexible working policy or as shown with this company working permanently at home with a set company HR policy.
If your company is currently experiencing issues with the team since returning from the Pandemic and you now wishing them to return to the office or introduce a more flexible policy where members of the team can work from home permanently but visit the office as and when needed. Contact us today.