Women have boardroom majority at M&S

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott of Consensus HR comments: “Following many of our previous blogs on the subject of Equality in the workplace, it is great to see that one of the best known British Institutions – Marks & Spencers are leading the way in having 55% female representation on the board. As outlined previously, Equality and Diversity in the workplace is a must for all. businesses within all sectors and should be part of a companies culture and Policies and Procedures. “
NEWS ARTICLE: Women have boardroom majority at M&S
The appointment of Cheryl Potter as a non-executive director means Marks & Spencer’s boardroom has a female majority for the first time in the retailer’s 140-year history. The addition of Ms Potter means the board has 55% female representation. Data from the Hampton Alexander report published a year ago would suggest M&S now has the highest representation of women on its board of any company in the FTSE 350. Fiona Hathorn, co-founder and chief executive of Women on Boards UK, said: “It is terrific to see the retail sector waking up to the need for women on boards. Ten years ago the retail sector had almost no women on its boards.” Recent research by consultancy Korn Ferry shows that the number of women given chief executive roles in the British retail industry hit a record high last year.

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