Young people seek to make friends

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments:” The BBC have recently written this article which is very interesting in relation to the major change that has happened to the workforce in relation to going to work and the office. Many articles are now being written about employees who do not wish to return to the workplace, but do they have a choice? We are finding after talking to our clients and other businesses where this is applicable some have found it very easy through consulting with the team about the benefit of returning to the workplace such as team moral, better office facilities and team meetings amongst many other things whilst ensuring an adequate Risk Assessment takes place and a correct Policy is in place to return as normal and as it was prior to the pandemic, whilst others through consultation and talking have found a balance, working in the office, three days a week and from home / hybrid, two days a week. The last three years have shown us, that as long as the team are managed correctly, given the right tools for the job, and a Risk Assessment / Lone Working needs met they can basically do the job anywhere whilst ensuring that the 121 / team contact continues as needed and it is really up to the business and team to decide on the most productive way forward for the team member and business. Although this is not possible in all sectors such as care, hospitals, catering etc.
NEWS ARTICLE: – Young people seek to make friends as firms shift to remote-working
The workplace has traditionally been an environment to make friendships and connections, but many young people are lacking such opportunities as employers shift to hybrid-, distributed- or remote-working models. Experts say that, overall, social circles have shrunk in the wake of the pandemic – and in some cases, were never established at all. “Many people, Gen Z specifically, who are entering the workforce, haven’t necessarily had the experience of being able to make friends in the typical way, and are starting a new job for the first time where they don’t know anyone,” explains Miriam Kirmayer, a clinical psychologist and friendship expert practicing in Montréal, Canada. Because Gen Z has not had the “experience of making new friends at work that they really can draw on and leverage to keep them feeling socially connected,” young people are fundamentally changing their approaches to how they connect, and what those connections look like, Kirmayer says. These shifts also have changed the entire traditional idea that work functions as a “hub of friendship and social connection,” she adds.

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