Companies could get tax breaks for staff support 

International day of peace

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “This is an interesting idea by the work and pensions secretary – Mel Stride, on how to get the economically inactive back to work.  It will be interesting to see what people’s views are on this idea.   We find the main problem now is getting medical advice as access to GP’s is extremely hard for all and especially when we try to get medical reports and, on many occasions, the GP in the surgery is a locum with minimal knowledge of the history of the employee. However, using a good Occupational Health provider and with the detailed information required such as a copy of their Job Description and the issues they are currently experiencing, together with the employees’ consent, we have been able to get some very good back to work plans with any reasonable adjustments mentioned and whether in their opinion they may be covered under current Employment Law legislation.  This has resulted in many employees returning to the workplace.

Employers / line managers should actively encourage their teams to take their breaks and away from their computers and desks and if possible, in the fresh air on a regular basis.   However, we all know it is easier said than done and I personally admit to this and need to practice what I preach as on too many occasions, I have continued to stay at the computer / desk when I should have spent some time away.

At Consensus HR we always encourage our clients, employers, and line managers to ensure that a constructive record is kept of an employee’s sickness and holidays, so that the appropriate action can be taken, if needed, as through this, a reasonable relationship can be achieved for the benefit of the employee and the business as these records tend to get filed and forgotten.  We also encourage the use of a user-friendly IT system that can retain the data and keep a comprehensive record should it ever be needed by the employee or business to demonstrate the frequency / time taken for holiday or sickness.  Business owners and Managers through the use of these systems and managing can make a big difference.

NEWS ARTICLE – Companies could get tax breaks for staff support 

Ministers are considering plans to offer tax breaks to companies that take greater responsibility for the health of their workers in a bid to reduce the number of people quitting the labour force. Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride is leading an internal review into how to get many of the 9m people classed as economically inactive back to work. Ministers are looking at how large firms can be encouraged to take on more responsibility for treating conditions that keep people from working, a move that would alleviate pressure on the NHS. Employment Minister Guy Opperman said he feels there is a role for “employers to address some of the ongoing management around day-to-day difficulties,” noting the possibility of offering a tax break “to incentivise them to do more.”

The Daily Telegraph

The Human Times

Companies could get tax breaks for staff support 

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If you are currently experiencing problems with sickness in the workplace and members of the team on long term sick leave, give us a call now to see how we can help you.

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