Our Frequently asked HR Questions (FAQ’s)

Here is the first one of our Our Frequently asked HR Questions (FAQ's)
How can I dismiss without fear of an Employment Tribunal?
If you are considering the dismissal of an employee you must ensure you follow the ACAS Code of Practice and ensure your companies Policies and Procedures are followed fully and to best practice.
Failure to act reasonably could result in a claim to an Employment Tribunal for Unfair Dismissal with high financial awards, high Employment Tribunal costs and loss of company reputation.
If you are considering dismissing somebody, please contact us ASAP so that we can support you.
Employment Law –
Is continually becoming more complex and the average costs of getting it wrong have never been higher – Average £8.5k per day x 4 days for attendance at an Employment Tribunal (£34k). This is why we at Consensus HR can provide your business with access to a local and professionally legally qualified HR Consultant for practical onsite or off-site employment law advice, at low cost monthly fee.
We support our monthly retained clients with everything from poor attendance of employees, introducing reward / benefit & performance management schemes, training & development to daily line management difficulties and Clients can either email or call us for the right HR advice and we can provide legally / best practice drafted letters for any situation.