Presenteeism remains an entrenched feature of business culture.

BBC Work life reports that Covid-19 may have altered our attitudes towards our jobs and how we do them, but presenteeism remains one entrenched feature of business culture that’s proved tough – and in some cases impossible – to shift. “Without a clear physical separation between work and home, individuals may find it challenging to disconnect and set clear boundaries,” says Peter Brown, who leads PwC’s Global People and Organisation practice. “This lack of separation can lead – and in many cases did lead – to longer working hours, increased workloads and difficulty taking breaks or time off, all contributing to presenteeism.” Lucy Kallin, executive director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Catalyst, a workplace consultancy that focuses on gender equality, agrees. “The overnight switch to homeworking in the pandemic undoubtedly increased some people’s workloads, as they were unable to switch off metaphorically and literally. Instead of using the commute home to wind down from work people stayed ‘always on’.” Kallin says senior leaders need to recognise the ways in which pandemic-induced changes in the workplace may have exacerbated presenteeism. Even though leaders can’t see the behaviour because it’s happening remotely, she says, they need to spearhead changes so employees feel willing and able to turn off from work.
Our HR Comment: – Presenteeism remains an entrenched feature of business culture.
Matthew P Chilcott, FCIPD, ACEL, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “This is another very interesting article from the BBC in relation to the Pandemic and Presenteeism and proves again the changes that have occurred since the Pandemic took place and how many people are finding it hard to switch off from work due to the boundaries changing since and during the Pandemic and it becoming more common for people to work from home in comparison to pre pandemic when people would travel to the office to work and when they got home, it was the end of the day and from work. Employees will have to change their behaviours to ensure they relax and unwind from the workplace whilst employers need to ensure that they manage their team and welfare appropriately with regular reviews and discussions around work requirements / load and quality of life”

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