Met Police: ‘boys’ club’

Met Police: Women and children failed by Met Police: ‘boys’ club’
Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “So the Metropolitan Police report written by Dame Casey is out in the news today and having just read the BBC report written by Thomas Mackintosh & Lucy Manning, Special Correspondent it is extremely disappointing to put it mildly! We have written many blogs on Equality and Diversity in the workplace and how this is not a request for all employees to ensure it is followed but is the law and rightfully so as discussed previously. All members of the team should be treated equal regardless of any personal characteristics as outlined in the Equality Act 2010 such as:
gender reassignment
being married or in a civil partnership
being pregnant or on maternity leave
race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
religion or belief
sexual orientation
It is extremely worrying to hear that the Met. Police have been found to not be upholding the law and working to best practice and I for one, wait to see what the outcome is and the way forward, whether this is the breaking up of the force or taking other action and business owners and managers should be aware that action from an employee can be taken from day one of employment and awards, awarded by an Employment Tribunal (ET) can be unlimited.”
Women and children have been failed by the Metropolitan Police, with racism, misogyny, and homophobia at the heart of the force, a blistering review says.
Baroness Casey says a “boys’ club” culture is rife and the force could be dismantled if it does not improve.
Her year-long review condemns systemic failures, painting a picture of a force where rape cases were dropped because freezers containing key evidence broke.
The Met’s Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has apologised to Londoners.
He said: “It is ghastly. You sit down and read that report and it generates a whole series of emotions. It generates anger, frustration, embarrassment.”
Baroness Casey was appointed to review the force’s culture and standards after the abduction, rape and murder of Sarah Everard by serving police officer Wayne Couzens, in 2021.
During the course of her review, another Met officer, David Carrick, was convicted of a series of rapes, sexual offences and torture of women.
To read the full BBC report, click here
Here are a few of our previous blogs written on the subject:

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