Seven HR Back to basics – 5 Employee concerns

As managers of a team, we all know that team members can raise a number of concerns that affect them and their motivation to do their job, which can result in certain people occasionally being ignored or seen as moaners.
However, managers need to ensure that they take the necessary action, as needed, as failure could result in the employee raising a grievance.
Grievances should initially be dealt with informally, if possible, but should this not resolve the matter, then the Acas/Company Grievance procedure should be followed as soon as possible. Managers should never just ignore it, as a mole hill could turn into a mountain and result in awards being adjusted by up to 25% by an Employment Tribunal (ET).
We offer HR & Payroll that provides clients with a comprehensive yet flexible outsourced HR & payroll service tailored to each of your specific requirements. We pride ourselves on delivering an efficient, friendly and affordable service and fully understand the needs of sole traders as well as small and medium sized companies. We help you with the complexities of managing people, whilst preventing people problems. Why give yourself unnecessary worry and stress when we can look after your HR & payroll for you? By outsourcing your HR & payroll to Consensus HR you can concentrate on running your company and be confident that your company’s & employees HR & Payroll is being managed efficiently and compliant with current legislation.
Each pay period you will be advised of any amendments to payroll data; whether it be a change to employee’s personal information or additional pay to be processed. We will then calculate:
- Gross to net pay
- Tax and National Insurance Contributions
- Student Loan deductions (or other deductions)
- Statutory Payments including SSP, SMP, SPP and SAP
- Pension contributions
- Attachment of Earnings Orders
We will then provide:
- Security sealed payslips or E-payslips
- Payroll reports – these can be as detailed as you need for your business. They can also be emailed, posted or both.
- P45’s for leavers
- Advise PAYE tax and National Insurance due to HMRC
- P60’s at the end of the Tax Year
Every pay period we will:
Submit Real Time Information (RTI) submissions, including Full Payment Submission or Employer Payment Summary to HMRC.
We can also deal with the administration of your Construction Industry Scheme routines. We will liaise with HMRC to verify sub-contractors, complete and file the monthly CIS Returns and provide pay and tax vouchers for your sub-contractors.
“Let Consensus HR take the pain & stress away from your companies HR & Payroll and let you get back to looking after your customers & running your business.”
T&C’s apply:
Prices quoted are for businesses with fewer than 10 employees and an annual turnover below £500,000, meeting specific Terms & Conditions for Employment Tribunal (ET) insurance. Payroll is provided by RMBS Ltd, Stevenage.