Over-50s head back to work

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott – Owner – Consensus HR comments: “What has age got to do with being able to work if they have the ability to do so? This article in ‘The Times’, at a time when many organisations are experiencing difficult in recruiting suitable members to the team, just shows how many business owners judge a book by its cover. Thankfully peoples Date Of Birth (DOB) is no longer expected to be outlined on a Curriculum Vitae although many people still do. Age is one of the Protected Characteristics under the Equality Act with unlimited awards from day one of employment and should never play a part when recruiting for a new member of the team. Companies need to ensure that their recruitment processes and procedures are legal and to best practice and only take into account what is needed for the role for the success of their business and the member of the team. I remember when I worked in Operations for a well known Hospitality business and the majority of our team were older and this played a key part in the service we were able to offer, especially when new members joined in their development. Age is irrelevant!”
Nine in ten economically inactive over-50s are considering returning to work due to the soaring cost of living. Data from online jobs website CV-Library show that 91% of inactive workers in the age bracket are considering re-entering the workforce due to record inflation, pension worries and higher energy bills. The report shows that since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of people aged 50 to 64 classed as economically inactive has risen by 3.6m, or 10%. Lee Biggins, chief executive of CV-Library, said: “With many vacancies still unfilled, it’s great news that a significant number of experienced workers are planning on returning to work.” He added that employing staff aged over 50 would allow companies to “add experience and stability, as well as diversifying the workplace.”