Our FAQs – 3 – How many holidays are they legally entitled to?

Our third Frequently Asked HR Questions covers the topic of How many holidays are employees legally entitled to?
This is a question we get asked continually and especially when a new member starts with the business and team. All full-time employees are entitled to 5.6 weeks holiday per year which includes eight bank holidays. This is for a full-timer, five days a week and will be pro-rata for part-timers.
Some businesses provide additional holidays for the team based on a service or performance criteria.
Holidays are accrued from day one of employment and all employees should be encouraged to take them as and when they want unless there are business constraints.
From 6 April 2022, the reference period increased. Previously, where a worker has variable pay or hours, their holiday pay was calculated using an average from the last 12 weeks in which they worked, and thus earned pay. This reference period has been increased to 52 weeks.
Matthew owner of Consensus HR comments: “Holidays along with Salary of an employee is always at the front of their minds and getting either of these incorrect can cause managers / business owners a great deal of trouble. Business owners need to remember that their team are there to do a job and to ensure this is completed correctly and to company / customer service standards but a team members pay, and holidays is why they work in the first place for their health and benefit and that of their families. Companies should ensure that a comprehensive, user-friendly payroll process is set up for weekly / monthly pay and that problems with the incorrect pay being given is an exception and not the norm.”
If you are unsure that you are covering all areas of HR, when it comes to y out team or how many holidays members of your team are entitled to legally and wish to have peace of mind when calculating, then please contact us and we will help you with preventing people problems.
Consensus HR – “Where you are never just a number!”