Monthly blog Newsletter – November 22

Welcome.. To our latest Monthly blog Newsletter - November 22
In this months Monthly blog Newsletter – November 22 we discuss:
Did you know?123 workers were killed in work-related accidents in 2021/22 (RIDDOR)
FAQ Five – They want to go part-time
One in five Britons have faced workplace discrimination.
Poor health of public ‘is holding back UK growth
Health & Safety Bulletin – Seasonal Workers & Accident Book
Ethnic minority workers face pay gap
Raab warned to respect staff after bullying claims
Record pay rises planned for UK but real wages lag inflation
HSE publishes annual statistics for 2021/22
Businesses and Unions demand Sunak scraps changes
Can I change an employees Terms & Conditions of Employment?
Flexible working key to reducing pay gap
Did you know?123 workers were killed in work-related accidents in 2021/22 (RIDDOR)
Work-related fatal injuries in Great Britain
We are a plain-speaking HR and H&S Consultancy who help businesses with the complexities and best practice in the world of Human Resources and Health and Safety. Whether you’re a start-up, SME or bigger business we help businesses from 1 – 250 employees, to enable successful business delivery, growth and change whilst Preventing People Problems. We help you find suitable people solutions whilst providing accredited legal expert Human Resources advice.
We can support you on site, over the telephone or email and help you grow your business without any difficulties or stress of employing a team and keeping up with ever changing Employment Law, Health and Safety and best practice.
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