McDonald’s pledges to better protect workers in the UK

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “This is a very interesting article concerning a well know employer – McDonald’s pledges to better protect workers in the UK. I always thought that McDonalds were a great employer offering employees a range of benefits and recognised development, but this article seems to state differently, especially when it comes to Equalities and Human Rights. This is yet another example of where business owners and members of the team / managers are not ensuring that all areas of the employment Rights Act 2010 are covered. It is fine to say that the wellbeing of our people is our absolute priority but how are. you demonstrating this? No employee should go to work to not be respected or treated equal. I refer to our previous blog that discusses the Equaity Act 2010 and what all members of the team must adhere too or face severe possible consequences such as unlimited penalties from day one of employment. We help companies with their HR Policies and Procedures whilst ensuring these are actually used and demonstrated within the workplace.”
NEWS ARTICLE: McDonald’s pledges to better protect workers in the UK
McDonald’s has signed a legally binding agreement with the UK’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission which requires the company to deal with what is thought to be more than 1,000 complaints from staff about workplace behaviour. The UK’s Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) has previously raised the alarm over a “toxic culture” in McDonald’s restaurants. Ian Hodson, national president of the BFAWU, said: “It’s shameful that one of the richest corporations on the planet doesn’t take sexual harassment seriously until we raise it . . . I pay tribute to all our members who have spoken out on this issue and encourage McDonald’s to work with us in ending sexual harassment.” The agreement commits the group to a number of measures to better protect workers in the UK, including communicating a “zero tolerance” approach to sexual harassment, providing anti-harassment training for employees, and improving policies to better respond to complaints. Alistair Macrow, chief executive of McDonald’s in the UK and Ireland, said the company already has a “strong track record” in this area but wants to further improve it. He added: “As one of the UK’s leading employers, the safety and wellbeing of our people is our absolute priority. It is hugely important to me that everyone in our organisation feels safe, respected and included at all times – this is core to the values of our business.”
The Guardian
The Independent

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