Lloyd’s hired barristers to investigate bullying claims

Lloyd’s of London faces fresh scrutiny about efforts to overhaul its culture after it emerged it had hired barristers to investigate allegations of bullying within one of its own teams. The bullying claims centred on Lloyd’s underwriting directorate, as opposed to a firm operating in its wider market, according to Insurance Insider, which first reported the investigation yesterday. Sources told the publication that there was a “toxic” atmosphere at the division and that some employees had been “gaslighted.”
Our HR Comments – Lloyd’s hired barristers to investigate bullying claims
Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, FCIPD, ACEL, Owner of Consensus HR comments:” Why should anybody need to go to Barristers to investigate allegations of Bullying? Companies need to ensure that they have the correct Policies & Procedures in place such as a Bullying & Harassment Policy and that they act on them correctly ensuring that the correct attitudes and behaviours are shown within the company. We talk a lot about HR Foundations with employee Contracts and a Company HR Handbook being two of these which incorporate the main company, legal and best practice Policies. Investigations are also a key part of the Acas Code of Practice which needs to be followed when dealing with issues such as Bullying and employee conduct in the workplace with all members of the team having easy access to this code and a full understanding. Failure to follow the code can result in increased awards at an Employment ‘Tribunal (ET).
Rest assured though, we know as shown in this article with a well-known institution it is not easy to manage, and companies should seek suitable HR / Managerial support for their business and get on with what they know best, their product rather than spend well earned income on legal fees, bad moral and poor reputation!”

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