Latest monthly HR blog Newsletter – October 2022
Welcome to our Latest monthly HR blog Newsletter – October 2022 which includes a vast number of our blogs for the month:
Happy Coffee day
“They are always sick, what can I do?”
World Mental Health day
How many holidays are employees entitled to?
The History of Human Resources Management
World Menopause day
Disability Discrimination
Health & Safety – COSHH
Quarterly Employment Law Newsletter.
Recession Ready
Health & Safety Weekly Bulletin

Happy Coffee Day !
International Coffee Day takes place on October 1 every year. Making the daily journey from tropical Africa to the breakfast mugs of households all over the world, coffee beans have been scattered all over the world for more than 600 years
Our FAQ’s – 2 – They are always sick, what can I do?
They are always sick, what can I do? All companies should have a detailed set Policy and Procedure for employee absence so that it is managed correctly. Persistent sickness can cause bad moral amongst the team whilst also result in costly implications for your business.

Stoptober 2022
Stopping smoking is the best thing your employees can do for their own health – and the health of people around them. It’s never too late to quit. They’ll start seeing the benefits immediately, not just for their health but also their finances.
World Mental Health Day 2022
The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day 2022, as set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is ‘making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’.

Our FAQs – 3 – How many holidays are they legally entitled to?
This is a question we get asked continually and especially when a new member starts with the business and team. All full-time employees are entitled to 5.6 weeks holiday per year which includes eight bank holidays. This is for a full-timer, five days a week and will be pro-rata for part-timers.
The History of Human Resource Management (HRM)
The History of Human Resource Management (HRM) begins around the end of the 19th century, when welfare officers (sometimes called ‘welfare secretaries’) came into being. They were women and involved with the protection of women and girls.

World Menopause Day
You may have experienced it, be experiencing it now or yet to experience it in the future. You will have family, friends and colleagues who have or will experience it.
Does your business have a Menopause Policy, how do you support your employees through the Menopause and Perimenopause?
Our FAQ number 4 – Maternity leave:
When somebody tells you they are pregnant, there are set procedures that you must take immediately.

Disability Discrimination
A company called Peloton were sued recently over disability discrimination and accent abuse. (Daily Telegraph – 13th October 2022.)
Chemicals company fined after releasing cloud of chlorine gas into factory.
A chemicals company has been fined after releasing a cloud of toxic chlorine gas that spread through its factory, yard and surrounding area resulting in staff needing hospital treatment and significant damage to the factory.

Global recruitment company PageGroup reported a “slight softening” in employers’ confidence across the majority of its regions as uncertainty creeps into the labour market.
The London-listed recruiter said that waning confidence had resulted in a small number of jobs being withdrawn and a lengthening in the time taken to hire workers towards the end of the third quarter.
Mental Health in the workplace
On the 7th October we wrote a blog in relation to World Mental Health Day and the theme for this year set by the World Federation for Mental Health, was ‘making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’.
Our Chartered Institute (CIPD) recently published a more detail article which can be found by clicking here.

Health and safety law poster – what you need to know
The poster explains British health and safety laws and lists what workers and their employers should do.
If you employ anyone, you must either:
- display the health and safety law poster where your workers can easily read it
- provide each worker with the equivalent health and safety law leaflet
Click here to read the latest from the Health & Safety Executive and a recent case in relation to a company being fined £400,000.
Quarterly Employment Law Newsletter.
In this legal HR newsletter, we discuss:
UK Government launches new online service to help employers support disabled employees
Changes in right to work from 1st October 2022
EAT rules a redundancy consultation is not meaningful if it occurs following a selection criteria that inevitably led to a pool of one employee.
Acas publishes new guidance on employee suspensions
Gender inequality persists in certain industries
The ET rules that supporting a football club does not amount to a philosophical belief within the meaning of section 10(2) of the Equality Act 2020.
Click here to read.

Recession Ready
Redundancies might seem like the quickest route to cutting costs; but it could cost your business. Helen from Consensus HR comments “it can unsettle remaining employees, affect your Company’s reputation and be a costly solution if you don’t manage them correctly”.
Click here to read further
Health & Safety Bulletin
As part of our new weekly Health & Safety Digest with information received from the Health & Safety Executive Website please find:
guidance about those working at home
details of our new podcast about protecting construction workers from MSD
advice on avoiding slip and trip accidents as the winter months begin
Click here to read further