Latest July 2022 HR blog Newsletter
Welcome to our July 2022 HR blog Newsletter

Employment Law Newsletter – July 2022
Welcome to our Employment Law Newsletter – July 2022. This newsletter covers:
Early Conciliation: How to Avoid the Employment Tribunal
Part-Time Workers Rights
“Wellness” in the Workplace
Was Dismissal of Employee Fearful of Covid-19 Fair?
Herts Visual Arts – The Big art Fair
Herts Visual Arts – We were honoured to sponsor this event.Congratulations to Daniella Coronel Saavedra for winning our award.
We were privileged to sponsor the Herts Visual Arts Awards again for a third year and see the range of fantastic arts on display by a group of talented individuals. Daniella Coronel Saavedra won our award this year for her inspirational colourful art with a hidden gem(s) that only became visible when fully viewing her range of paintings.

Positive Key HR lessons that can be learnt from Boris Johnsons resignation?
HR Lessons –
The last week has seen our current Prime Minister – Boris Johnsons, resignation and now the ever-increasing numbers of MP’s who wish to become the leader of the Conservatives and then ultimately the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. What can business owners learn from this whole situation to ensure their long-term success?
Our Chartered Institute, the CIPD wrote this recent news article (July 2022) and we have included our comments as well
Prestige Awards – London & South East England 2022
Proud winners of: Prestige AwardsPrestige Awards – London & South East – 2022
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded another award for this year from Prestige Awards – London & South East England 2022. This award is for HR Consultancy firm of the year 2022.

World Chocolate Day 7th July 2022
Are you celebrating World Chocolate Day ?
Our favorite World Chocolate Day facts
We couldn’t write about World Chocolate Day without sharing a few chocolate facts.