Advice on Employment Contracts and Employee Handbook

What is included in an Employees Handbook?
When a new employee starts with the business, it is best practice to ensure they are aware of what is expected of them and an employee handbook plays a key part in assisting them with this – it is always good to set out the ground rules with your employees from the very beginning. An Employee Handbook puts all the key information and rules in one easy place and allows them to access the information as and when required without needing to ask a member of staff which, during the first few days of a role, can sometimes be quite daunting.
A Company Employee Handbook allows the team to gain an understanding of what is expected from them and the company with areas such as pay, hours of work and benefits to communication and team events to name a few. We also ensure that important company policies are included such as disciplinary & grievance, equality and sickness.
We work with our clients to ensure that the handbook is tailored to the business, reflecting the organisation’s values/vision, and on occasion, a welcome letter from the management team.
Why do I need a Handbook and Contract?
These are two completely different items and by having a handbook it allows you to enter all the Company Policies in one place. Unlike your Contract of Employment, it is non-contractual, thus allowing you to update policies when needed without the need to re-issue contracts.