Reporting accidents and illness at work

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: Reporting accidents and illness at work “Throughout my career this is one Health & Safety Form / process that I have not had to complete that often, but it is vital as an employer that you are fully aware the procedure and when to use and who to inform. RIDDOR, is the Reporting Injuries, Diseases, Dangerous, Occurrence Regulations 2013 and our current blog is from the Health & Safety Executive with some key useful information and tools for all employers and businesses to use as needed.”
Make sure you submit a RIDDOR report for a workplace accident or illness where necessary.
RIDDOR puts duties on employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specified dangerous occurrences.
Visit our website to find out:
Our publication Reporting accidents and incidents at work explains what is required from employers and provides information about RIDDOR.
HSE’s Accident Book can be used to record details of all work-related accidents including injuries that employers must report under RIDDOR.

Full HR & H&S Support
Consensus HR realises that many UK based SMEs understand the importance of Human Resources (HR) and Health & Safety (H&S) but cannot justify the cost of a full time HR person / team within their business, whilst knowing that when running a business of any size (from one employee to 250) that there will be a time when they will have to deal with a range of HR and H&S issues and employee problems. Consensus HR can be your organisation’s HR department providing everything you would expect to find in a big company but in a more cost-effective way. We provide our clients access to unlimited HR advice and employment law which is accredited by leading professional bodies, including the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board.