Can I change an employees Terms & Conditions (T&C’s)

Can I change an employees Terms & Conditions (T&C’s) – All employees Terms and Conditions (T&C’s) of employment can be changed, if it is reasonably needed by the company for its success.
If a business needs to change an employee’s T&C’s it must consult, consult, consult with the affected member(s) of the team to fully explain the need for the change, whilst gaining valued feedback and suggestions from the employee or team.
Changes should never be made without consulting or a sound business case for the change, as failure could result in a claim of constructive dismissal, bad reputation for the company and poor moral within the team.
If you / your business is considering making changes to an individual or teams T&C’s, then please contact us to discuss and avoid any financial / operational repercussions.
We are a plain-speaking HR and H&S Consultancy who help businesses with the complexities and best practice in the world of Human Resources and Health and Safety. Whether you’re a start-up, SME or bigger business we help businesses from 1 – 250 employees, to enable successful business delivery, growth and change whilst Preventing People Problems. We help you find suitable people solutions whilst providing accredited legal expert Human Resources advice.
We can support you on site, over the telephone or email and help you grow your business without any difficulties or stress of employing a team and keeping up with ever changing Employment Law, Health and Safety and best practice.