Automatic enrolment pension thresholds 2023/24

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott, Owner of Consensus HR comments: “At least this is one confirmed fact that will help business owners when having to pay their employee’s pension contributions and should help those employers who do not meet the current £10,000 threshold but have a number of the team on part-time flexible hours.”
PRESS ARTICLE: Automatic enrolment pension thresholds will remain the same for 2023/24
The government has confirmed auto-enrolment thresholds will be held at their current levels for the next year. Laura Trott, under-secretary of state for pensions, said the decision was taken to “ensure the continued stability of the policy in light of the impact of Covid-19 and prevailing economic factors.” The 2023-24 annual thresholds mean the automatic enrolment earnings trigger will remain at £10,000 and the lower earnings limit of the qualifying earnings band will remain at £6,240 with the upper earnings band staying at £50,270.
The Human Times

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