100 firms move to permanent four-day week

Matthew Pinto-Chilcott of Consensus HR Comments: “Talk of the four-day week has been going on for some time now and especially since the Pandemic occurred but what are your views and the companies on this? It will be interesting to see the feedback in the future with this initial 100 British companies and the affect it has had on moral, health, motivation and company profits. We await the outcome, but have you considered it? Is it the way forward? Personally, I believe as long as the correct Policies and Procedures are put in place for the team and company and the required results are achieved, then why not have a four-day week? I look forward to hearing client’s views in the future and seeing how many do actually give it a go!”
One hundred British businesses have signed up for a permanent four-day working week that will see no loss of pay for staff. Around 2,600 employees are set to benefit from the new working pattern. The two biggest companies to have signed up are Atom Bank and global marketing company Awin, which each have about 450 UK staff. Accredited firms have demonstrated that they have genuinely reduced hours for workers rather than forced them into longer days. A global trial has seen more than 3,300 employees across 70 companies and charities taking part in a six-month experiment. At the half-way point in September, the trial – which involves researchers at the universities of Cambridge and Oxford, Boston college and think-tank Autonomy – saw 88% of the UK respondents say the four-day week was working well for their business. Around 95% said productivity had either stayed the same or improved. However, it was noted that only around half of those taking part responded to the survey canvassing opinion at the three-month mark.
The Guardian